Our UG Project consisted of two parts : One being developing an AI model and the other providng in-depth knowledge around floods to help in Decision making about the response to counter it.
Explore advanced satellite mapping for flood monitoring and analysis. Access the deployed site for interactive filters and real-time data visualization.
Visit Deployed SiteFlood dataset cleansing
Preprocessing and Extraction
Correlation matrix and Vornoi diagram
Try it OutRemote sensing, Weather data and Social media
Integration of LLMs
Satellite Imaging and Maps
Try it OutOur team is made up of highly skilled and motivated individuals who have experience with machine learning, data analysis, and web development. We collaborated to develop and perfect ML models for floods, and provided remote sensing, rain and weather data using a deep understanding of the latest technologies and methodologies for making an informed decision about floods.
We were able to create a user-friendly website that provided valuable insights and information to a wide range of users, including field professionals, engineers, and disaster relief authorities, thanks to our collaborative efforts. Our team's dedication to excellence and innovation were critical to the project's success, and we are proud of the results we achieved.
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